Trained in internal medicine, neurology, pain management, acupuncture, and Dr. Shin has practiced since 1997 and learned JB (Jongboo) Therapy in 2019, and he came up with the treatment, “Fractal Neural Balancing.” This is a revolutionary concept without using medication or injections to relieve pain or symptoms “immediately.” From July 1, 2020, Dr. Shin did not write any prescriptions in his practice. His approach has been saving numerous patients from surgeries and taking medications. As Nichola Tesla said, “The future of medicine will come from energy, frequency, and vibration,” Dr. Shin adopts this concept into his medical practice. These are some components of Fractal Neural Balancing.
A Fractal Pattern is simply, “Any part repetitively represents the whole.” In the human body, for example, the upper extremities, forearms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, and toes can represent the whole body.
The Energy Wave Principle is when an initial imbalance of a certain body area of the body occurs; it spreads out like a waveform of energy. It creates many “fractal” spots of the body, and sometimes, it appears as moles or dark spots.
JONGBOO Therapy is named after JongBoo Park in South Korea. Fractal patterns, energy wave principle, seesaw balancing, faucet phenomenon, and pagoda piling pattern are part of his principles. Instead of using acupuncture needles, making dots or circles, or applying JONGBOO Energy Wave balls to the acupuncture points made a powerful fine-tuning.
Energy Wave Ball: Our technique remotely treats problem areas by stimulating extremities: usually arms, forearms, and hands. These treatments are not invasive and are very safe, especially for those who do not want to use acupuncture needles. It is a compound of silica and some metals.